Ruhr-Universitat Bochum presents New Relations in Art & Society

Ruhr-Universitat Bochum presents New Relations in Art & Society

Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Soba Do Cristo Toko/ Angola
Photo: Egbert Trogemann
January 15, 2011
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum presents New Relations in Art & Society

A Conference on Participation in Art
21st & 22nd January 2011

In relation to the exhibition:

Mischa Kuball:
100 Lights|100 Faces

28th October 2010 – 30th April 2011

Since the 1960s, the relationship between the artwork and the viewer has fundamentally changed.Franz Erhard WaltherProf. Dr. Beate SöntgenSandra HöptnerProf. Dr. Harald Welzer

Lectures by PD. Dr. Gerald Schröder, Dr. Kristin Marek, Dr. Eva Schmidt, and the artists Apolonija Sustersic and Beatrice Gibson extend the scope of the debate about participation in art nowadays. They report about models of participation in contemporary artistic processes, concomitant social and political challenges, and the changes in curatorial practice.

Mischa Kuball and participants in “NEW POTT” will also be present. Responsibility for the conception and organisation of the conference: Dr. Friederike Wappler, Academic Director and curator of the exhibition “Mischa Kuball: NEW POTT. 100 Lights|100 Faces”.

A catalogue on the topic, published by JPR/Ringier Verlag, will accompany the exhibition (edited by Friederike Wappler). The catalogue will introduce the talks given at the conference, as well as further contributions by Hans Belting, Thomas Hirschhorn, Claire Doherty, Astrid Wege, Nina Möntmann, and Mark Terkessidis to a wider audience.


Friday, 21st January 2011, from 6 pm:


Gerhard Möller, Chancellor of the RUB

Reinhard Krämer, Ministry for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport, North Rhine-Westphalia

Dr. Stephan Muschik, Director of the RWE Foundation

The artist Franz Erhard Walther will speak on the subject of “Actions as Artworks”

Saturday, 22nd January 2011:

9 am Dr. Friederike Wappler, Bochum: “New Relations in Art & Society”. An Introduction

9.45 am Sandra Höptner, Düsseldorf: 100 Lights|100 Faces. On a many-voiced Portrait of a Region

10.30 am Break

10.45 am Prof. Dr. Beate Söntgen, Bochum: NEW POTT: Forms of Interior Participation

11.30 am Prof. Dr. Harald Welzer, Essen: The Asynchrony and Illocality of the ‘Pott’ (The Ruhr Region)

12.30 pm Break

1.30 pm PD. Dr. Gerald Schröder, Bochum: “Kitchen Stories”. Reflection and Construction of Social Spaces

2.30 pm Dr. Kristin Marek, Karlsruhe: “The dying man will show us how he dies”. Aesthetics as a Participatory Concept in Gregor Schneider’s “Dead Space”

3.30 pm Break

3.45 pm Dr. Eva Schmidt, Siegen: “Art produces Communication”. Communicative art projects (Willats, Superflex, Sustersic, Friedl among others) and the motivation needed to organise them

4.45 pm Apolonija Sustersic, Amsterdam: Politics “in Space”: Participation versus Viewer

5 pm Break

5.15 pm Beatrice Gibson, London: Screening of “Roosevelt Island Film”

6 pm Panel discussion

The “NEW POTT” exhibition, conference and catalogue have been generously supported by the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport, the RWE Foundation, RUHR. 2010 GmbH, and the Rectorate of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Campusmuseum. Sammlung Moderne
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150 – Forumsplatz
D-44801 Bochum
Tel.: 0234-32-26782
Email: [email protected]

Opening times:

Tue – Fri 11 am – 5 pm
Sat, Sun and public holidays: 11 am – 6 pm

Contact: Dr. Friederike Wappler. Kunstsammlungen der RUB. Art Kunstgeschichtliches Institut, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150 – GA 7/55, 44801 Bochum.
Email: [email protected]
Press liaison RUB: +49(0)234.32-22830, Email: [email protected]

RSVP for Ruhr-Universitat Bochum presents New Relations in Art &…
Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
January 15, 2011

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